SUPPORT WELCOMED By $25 or more generous donation for two DVDs of the Cryptome 14-year archive from June 1996 to April 2010. The archive contains about 56,300 files (~8.5GB) published on and its related sites along with the companion site and US Army INSCOM Dossiers of about 25,000 pages. The DVDs will be sent anywhere worldwide without extra cost. Email a shipping address to cryptome[at] How to Donate

dodi-6055-17.pdf      DoD Installation Emergency Management            November 20, 2010

eo13559.pdf           Prez Orders Feds to Monitor Faith-Based Orgs     November 19, 2010
assange-abuse.htm     Abuse of Julian Assange and Alleged Victims      November 19, 2010
il-war-criminals.htm  Israeli War Criminals                            November 18, 2010
kajaki-dam.htm        Kajaki Dam Afghanistan Eyeball                   November 18, 2010
auag-ied.htm          AU AG: Strategic Influence of the IED            November 18, 2010

sba111810.htm         Small Business Information Security Task Force   November 17, 2010
atf111710.htm         List of Explosive Materials                      November 17, 2010
epa111710.htm         Access to Confidential Business Information      November 17, 2010
marad111710.htm       Liberty Liquified Natural Gas Deepwater Port     November 17, 2010
raidrs-facility.htm   RAIDRS Space Control Facility Specs and Drawings November 16, 2010      TSA Backscatter Body-Scan Radiation Safety FOUO  November 16, 2010 (11MB)
fda-body-spy.pdf      FDA Backscatter Body-Scan Radiation Safety       November 16, 2010        Terrorism Financing in Saudi Arabia (in Arabic)  November 15, 2010 (952KB)
cslid-list-08.htm     CSLID Shit List 8                                November 15, 2010
tia-1118.htm          Law Enforcement Access to Wireless LAN           November 15, 2010

dhs-social-spy.htm    DHS Social Media Spying                          November 15, 2010
fbi-dximaging.htm     FBI Surveillance with Dximaging                  November 14, 2010  US Marshals Facility Courthouse Drawings FOUO    November 13, 2010 (28.2MB)      GSA SCIF RFP                                     November 13, 2010 (6.4MB)
dnfsb111510.htm       Plutonium Safety for Public-Worker Protection    November 12, 2010

eo13559.htm           EO 13559 Export Enforcement Coordination Center  November 12, 2010
uganda-bio.htm        Uganda Bioterrrorism Target Eyeball              November 11, 2010
wikileaks-crack.htm   Wikileaks Crack of CIA/State Department Cables?  November 11, 2010
nscid-5-47-61.pdf     Clandestine Collection of Intelligence 1947-61   November 11, 2010         Presidential Review Memo on Intelligence 1977    November 11, 2010 (2.6MB)    SwiftLink Snap Satellite Communications Gear     November 11, 2010 (1.2MB)
zachary-chesser2.htm  Wife of Zachary Chesser Pleads Guilty            November 9, 2010
wikileaks-lock.htm    Wikileaks Documents Locked to Students           November 9, 2010
tipped-kettle.htm     Man-Portable Weapons Captured by Israel Forces   November 9, 2010
cbp110910.htm         Customs Eyes Security of Entire Canada Border    November 9, 2010

retweet-economy.htm   It's Not What You Tweet, It's Who You Tweet      November 9, 2010
hts-caution.htm       Human Terrain System a Cautionary Tale           November 8, 2010
obama-protect37.htm   Obama Protection 37                              November 7, 2010    NSA History of TEMPEST Technology                November 7, 2010 (1.3MB)
state-aes.htm         State Department Warns Against AES Crypto        November 7, 2010

wikileaks-eyed.htm    Wikileaks Initiatives Eyed by Cryptome           November 6, 2010        Pentagon Emergency Response Guide                November 6, 2010 (850KB)
DTM-07-021.pdf        Declassification Marking Special Access Program  November 6, 2010
nsa-computers.pdf     NSA And Computer Development                     November 5, 2010
nsa-04-02-j.pdf       NSA Optical Media Destruction Devices            November 5, 2010

eo110410.htm          Controlled Unclassified Information              November 5, 2010   Agency Response to Cyberspace Policy Review      November 4, 2010 (8.2MB)
dos-simas.pdf         DoS Security Incident Management Analysis System November 4, 2010
nara110510.htm        National Archives to Open More Nixon Tapes       November 4, 2010
dhs110410.htm         DHS Big Bro Records Exempt From the Privacy Act  November 4, 2010

fac110410.htm         North Korea Sanctions Regulations                November 4, 2010
dos110410.htm         Designation of Jundallah Global Terrorist        November 4, 2010
au-jihad.htm          Australia Counter-radicalisation Efforts         November 4, 2010
dod110310.htm         DoD Semi-Bans Contractor Joy with Detainees      November 3, 2010
au-foi.htm            AU Launches Freedom of Information Commissioner  November 1, 2010


O f f s i t e 

MC BoD                Monaco Bankers of Death                          November 20, 2010
MC Nazi               Monaco Auschwitz Connection                      November 18, 2010
Home Jihad            Fort Hood Shooting Final Report                  November 18, 2010
Spy Tool              Spy Tracking Spy Tool                            November 18, 2010

AE                    FBI Warns of Anarchist Extremism Since 1919      November 17, 2010
KKK 2                 Ku Klux Klan in Britain 2                        November 17, 2010
OK                    Russian Organized Crime Oleg Kim                 November 17, 2010
GA                    Government Attic Reorganized                     November 17, 2010
Bout                  Viktor Bout Extradited                           November 16, 2010

Face Spy              Facebook Law Enforcement Spy Guides 2007-2010    November 16, 2010
Scan Porn             US Marshals Kept Body Scan Photos                November 16, 2010
FIT                   FITwatch Advice to Avoid Arrest                  November 16, 2010
MC Steal              Monaco State Sanctioned Theft                    November 16, 2010
TSA Rot               TSA and America's Culture of Zero-Risk           November 16, 2010

Hack Hype 1           Symantec Stuxnet Hacker War Gaming               November 16, 2010
Hack Hype 2           Wired Stuxnet Hacker War Flogging                November 16, 2010
FOIA Dead             Obama Official: Bypass FOIA Seek Data Directly   November 16, 2010
ADA 2010              2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design         November 15, 2010
USN Doc               Navy Pacific NW Training Range Complex Manual    November 15, 2010

MC Inc                Monaco Larvotto Corrupt Fraud                    November 15, 2010
KKK 1                 Ku Klux Klan in Britain 1                        November 15, 2010
Mil Lit               Military Reading List (Some Links Dead)          November 14, 2010
Kings 3               Trilateral Commission Kingmakers 3               November 13, 2010
Hack Biz              The Great Cyberheist                             November 13, 2010

Peepers               DHS CBP TSA Terrorist Watch List Implementation  November 11, 2010
MC Mules              Monaco Police Mulish Shenanigans                 November 11, 2010
Kings 2               Trilateral Commission Kingmakers 2               November 11, 2010
Yum                   Eat Shit Farms Gets FDA Warning for Killer Eggs  November 10, 2010
Kings                 Trilateral Commission Kingmakers                 November 9, 2010

MC Dirty 2            Monaco Dirty Dealing Larvotto Fiasco 2           November 9, 2010
CIA Tweet             CIA Spinmaster Lamely Long Tweets                November 9, 2010
CIA Lobot             CIA Brainwash Is Really Really Wonderful         November 9, 2010
MC Dirty              Monaco Dirty Dealing Larvotto Fiasco             November 8, 2010
Bilderberg 6          The West's Secret Power Group 1974 6             November 7, 2010

War MPs               MPs that Voted for War on Iraq - Google Cache    November 6, 2010
Bilderberg 5          The West's Secret Power Group 1974 5             November 6, 2010
Crypto                David Kahn Gives Crypto Collection to NSA        November 5, 2010
Pain                  CIA Sadist: It Is Legal to Abet Torture          November 5, 2010
Peep                  FBI CCTV Advice Video                            November 5, 2010

Perp                  Law Enforcement App Perp Application             November 5, 2010
WL More               Another Wikileaks-type Initiative Planned        November 4, 2010
Ubi Spy               Notes from the Ubiquitous Surveillance Society   November 4, 2010
FX                    Foundation X Wants to Buy-Bail-Bribe the UK      November 4, 2010
US v. No Jobs         US Census Takers Fight Angry Americans for Data  November 4, 2010

MC MMJ                Monaco Moslem Militant Jameel                    November 4, 2010
GPI                   Google Is Polluting the Internet                 November 4, 2010
IN-US War Plan        India Militarizing Space with US Help            November 4, 2010
Bilderberg 4          The West's Secret Power Group 1974 4             November 4, 2010
Cyber Mal             Finding the 'Cure' for the 'Cyber Epidemic'      November 4, 2010

MC DD                 Monaco Dirty Dealing                             November 3, 2010
Bilderberg 3          The West's Secret Power Group 1974 3             November 3, 2010
WL=IL                 Wikileaks Is Another Israeli Attack on the US    November 3, 2010
CN No 1               Most Important Read Ever About China             November 3, 2010
NZ War Plan           NZ Defense Force Strategic Plan 2007-2011        November 3, 2010


Prosecutorial Abuse of Julian Assange and Alleged Victims


The Swedish Prosecutor Auhtority's website provides a press release timeline of the prosecutorial abuse of Julian Assange with unsubstantiated, prolonged and highly publicized  allegations of sexual offense. The alleged victims of the allegations are also being abused by failure to expeditiously conclude the investigation. A search for Assange's name on the prosecutor's website shows 13 entries:

But 19 entries are available by reviewing the list of press releases:

Misleadingly, English translation links of the Swedish entries lead to an 18 November 2010 message. [This page now appears to have been removed. Screenshots:]


Facts about the inquiry by Assange


The prosecutor will not announce the exact date for when Julian Assange calls internationally, nor which other measures will be taken.

Mrs New [Ny] will promptly act in response to the district court's custody, but due to the confidentiality of the ongoing investigation, she leaves no detail of when different steps will be taken.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
via Tony Gosling

Military Casualties

Iraq Civilian Dead Wounded Care War Contracts

October 2010 pacer-fraud.pdf Computer Fraud in US Court Public Access System October 31, 2010 wikileaks-threat.htm Wikileaks Threatens Journalism and Espionage October 31, 2010 cia102510.pdf CIA Response to Wikileaks FOIA Request October 30, 2010 usa101910.pdf Army Response to Bradley Manning FOIA Request October 30, 2010 DoD Manual for Written Material: Management October 30, 2010 (1.4MB) DoD Manual for Written Material: Examples October 30, 2010 (400KB) citigroup-dmca2.htm Citigroup Sends Cryptome Inept Takedown Notice October 29, 2010 salvatore-vitale.pdf Salvatore Vitale Mob Killer Rats Family October 29, 2010 luke-rudkowski.htm Damning Evidence Against Luke Rudkowski October 29, 2010 sts107-forensic.htm Challenger Disaster Microscopic Forensic Photos October 28, 2010 voir-dire.pdf The Juridical City State of Exception October 27, 2010 (3.4MB) wikileaks-after.htm After Wikileaks What Next October 27, 2010 virginia-thomas.htm Virginia Thomas Search October 26, 2010 wsj-trap.htm Wall Street Journal Baits a Trap, Bait Bit Now October 26, 2010 nps102710.htm Conjugal Church and State Celebration October 26, 2010 Submarine Engineered Operating Cycle Program October 25, 2010 (785KB) fincen102610.pdf Transfer-Reorg of Bank Secrecy Act Regulations October 25, 2010 (741KB) cryptome-punked.htm Cryptome May Be Punked October 25, 2010 dod102510.htm Defense Cargo Riding Gang Members October 25, 2010 obama-protect36.htm Obama Protection 36 October 23, 2010 clsid-list-07.htm CLSID Shit List 7 October 23, 2010 clsid-beyond2.htm CLSID Shitlist Series Beyond - Response October 23, 2010 hts-fail.htm Army Fails to Fix Human Terrain System October 23, 2010 wikileaks-feed.htm Wikileaks Feedback October 23, 2010 DTM-09-007.pdf DoD Full Cost of War Staffing October 23, 2010 DTM-09-032.pdf DoD Open-Air Burn Pits October 23, 2010 doe102510.pdf Megadeath Fun Back End Waste Disposal October 23, 2010 CENTCOM List of Files Transferred to NARA October 23, 2010 (1.2MB) wikileaks-book.htm Wikileaks Conference Booking Form October 22, 2010 cryptome-hack6.htm Cryptome Hackers May Be Feds - Wikileaks Hit Too October 22, 2010 dol102210.htm Definition of the Term Fiduciary October 22, 2010 clsid-beyond.htm CLSID Shitlist Series Beyond October 20, 2010 zachary-chesser.htm South Park Jihadist Pleads Guilty October 20, 2010 wikileaks-feint.htm Wikileaks Feint October 20, 2010 polyhub-spy.htm NSF Polyhub Online Spying October 19, 2010 wikileaks-hook.htm Wikileaks Hook - First Amendment Under Attack October 19, 2010 wikileaks-unlike.htm Wikileaks Unlike Cryptome October 18, 2010 sec101910.pdf Review of Assets Backed Securities Offerings October 18, 2010 acs-spy-fee.pdf ACS Law Firm High Fee for ISP Spy Compliance October 18, 2010 au-merc-10.pdf AU National Security Exercise Mercury 10 October 18, 2010 cryptome-hack5.htm "Xyrix" "Virus" "Null" "Trainreq" Linked October 17, 2010 centcom-sigacts.htm CENTCOM Iraq War SIGACTS - Wikileaks Pre-Empt? October 17, 2010 wikileaks-rich.htm Wikileaks How Rich Update October 17, 2010 fda101810-2.pdf Testing Medical Device Radiation-Emitters October 16, 2010 fda101810.pdf Emergency Plans for Absence of Drugged Workers October 16, 2010 hts-hell.htm Human Terrain System Circles of Hell October 16, 2010 clsid-list-06.htm CLSID Shit List 6 October 15, 2010 fincen101510.htm New Bank Secrecy Suspicious Activities Database October 15, 2010 doe101510.htm Fossil Energy Use Reduction in Federal Buildings October 15, 2010 wikileaks-sued.htm Wikileaks Sued in Germany October 14, 2010 thug-mugshots.htm "Xyrix" "Virus" "Null" Hacker-Thug Mug Shots October 14, 2010 boem101410.pdf Outer Continental Shelf Energy Safety Measures 1 October 12, 2010 boem101410-2.pdf Outer Continental Shelf Energy Safety Measures 2 October 12, 2010 cryptome-offer.htm Cryptome Offer to Hackers and Wired October 11, 2010 cryptome-nobreach.htm Cryptome Not "Breached" October 11, 2010 dos101210.htm US Pays Afghan Wed to Taliban Al Qaeda Drugs October 11, 2010 doe100510-2.pdf Smart Grid Data Access and Privacy October 11, 2010 doe100510.pdf Smart Grid Communications Requirements October 11, 2010 perras-hacknot.htm "Justin Perras" Disavows Cryptome Hack Update October 10, 2010 tla-rico.htm TLAs Racketeer To Protect Killer Agent October 10, 2010 hts-contract.htm Sources Sought to Run Human Terrain System October 9, 2010 clsid-list-05.htm CLSID Shit List 5 October 9, 2010 cryptome-hack4.htm Cryptome Hackers and Consequences Update October 9, 2010 dodd-3025-13.pdf DoD Support of the US Secret Service October 9, 2010 DTM-10-018.pdf Law Enforcement Reports of Suspicious Activities October 9, 2010 cryptome-hack3.htm Cryptome Hack 3 Updated October 8, 2010 fhwa100710.htm New Bridge Construction and Repair Materials October 7, 2010 doa100710.htm Army Bountiful Warmaking Business Offered October 7, 2010 dea100610.htm ok Drug Pushers Prescribed October 7, 2010 wired-crime.htm Wired Complicit in Federal Crimes by Hacker October 5, 2010 af-war-women-10-03 Afghanistan Wartime Women March 2010 October 5, 2010 wikileaks-bullied.htm Wikileaks Bullied by AU Attorney General October 5, 2010 doc100510.pdf Internet Copyright Creativity Innovation Inquiry October 4, 2010 ellsberg-wlmail.htm Ellsberg Documentary via Wikileaks Maillist October 4, 2010 af-war-women-10-05 Afghanistan Wartime Women May 2010 October 4, 2010 wikileaks-unpub.htm Wikileaks Upload Unpublished October 4, 2010 europe-alert.htm US Issues Europe Travel Alert October 3, 2010 af-war-women-10-094 Afghanistan Wartime Women Sep 2010 Pt 4 October 3, 2010 af-war-women-10-04 Afghanistan Wartime Women April 2010 October 3, 2010 cia-cryptome.pdf CIA Classifies Cryptome Dossier October 2, 2010 DTM-09-031.pdf Recording Intelligence Interrogations of Persons October 2, 2010 DTM-09-012.pdf DoD Physical Access Control Policy October 2, 2010 DTM-08-004.pdf DoD Physical Access Control Policy Guidance October 2, 2010 soyuz-tma18.htm Soyuz TMA-18 Space Capsule Landing Photos October 1, 2010 myrtus-v-myRTUs.htm Stuxnet Myrtus or MyRTUs? October 1, 2010 cyber092310.pdf Cyber Command House Testimony October 1, 2010 navy-cyber.pdf Navy Cyber Command House Testimony October 1, 2010 marines-cyber.pdf Marines Cyber Command House Testimony October 1, 2010 army-cyber.pdf Army Cyber Command House Testimony October 1, 2010 airforce-cyber.pdf Air Force Cyber Command House Testimony October 1, 2010 doj100110.htm Adobe Apple Google Intel Intuit Pixar Jobs Plot October 1, 2010 nnsa100110.htm LANL WMD Building Revised EIS October 1, 2010 O f f s i t e Shameful New York Times Teaches Wikileaks Prejudice October 30, 2010 Bilderberg 2 The West's Secret Power Group 1974 2 October 28, 2010 Bilderberg The West's Secret Power Group 1974 October 28, 2010 MC Toy Prince of Monaco's Favorite Toy October 28, 2010 GID Gad! Globally Important Diseases October 28, 2010 ICS-705-1 New Stds for Sensitive Compartmented Info Facs October 27, 2010 ICS-705-2 Stds for Use of Sensitive Compartmented Info October 27, 2010 AF Pork 7000 Afghanistan Reconstruction Contracts October 27, 2010 MC Fool Prince of Monaco Inept Rule October 27, 2010 Fail Safe Failure Shuts Down Squadron of Nuclear Missiles October 27, 2010 WL TC Wikileaks Legal Defense as Press Too Cute? October 27, 2010 WL More Wikileaks to Release Russia, China Logs October 27, 2010 Agee CIA renegade Agee’s files surface at NYU October 26, 2010 CIA Inc 2 Miles Copeland: CIA Murder Inc 2 October 26, 2010 MC Faith Monaco Masons October 26, 2010 WL Faith Wikileaks And Faith-Based War On Terror October 26, 2010 NBB National Bedbug Blitzkrieg October 26, 2010 MC Thugs 2 Italian Organized Crime in Monaco: Fiorucci October 26, 2010 Lamo Adrian Lamo Logs October 25, 2010 TIP Israel Propaganda for Profit Guide October 25, 2010 MC Thugs 1 Monaco banking and Italian P2 connection October 25, 2010 Nazi Thugs Nazi Sympathizers Exposed October 25, 2010 TOT Seymour Hersh: The Online Threat October 25, 2010 CySec Cyber Security Test Range October 23, 2010 Perp Net Informal International Cops and Spies October 23, 2010 Perl WMD [Joke] Perl and Nuclear Weapons Don't Mix October 23, 2010 NSA Patent Measuring degree of enhancement to voice signal October 22, 2010 NSA Patent Identifying topic of text using nouns October 22, 2010 NSA Patent Method of database searching October 22, 2010 NSA Patent Eliminating loops from a computer program October 22, 2010 NSA Patent Electromagnetic service box October 22, 2010 NNUWA Neo-Nazis Underground World in America October 22, 2010 CIA Inc Miles Copeland: CIA Murder Inc October 22, 2010 MC RC Russian Organized Crime in Monaco October 22, 2010 MC Plot 17 Islamic Militants in Monaco 17 October 22, 2010 Hard Knock CIA: Lessons from Khowst October 20, 2010 RI and RC Russian Spies and Russian Criminals Entwined October 20, 2010 MC Plot 16 Islamic Militants in Monaco 16 October 18, 2010 Read This! Bell System Technical Journal 1922-1983 October 17, 2010 MC Plot 15 Islamic Militants in Monaco 15 October 17, 2010 MC Plot 14 Islamic Militants in Monaco 14 October 16, 2010 MC Plot 13 Islamic Militants in Monaco 13 October 16, 2010 MC Plot 12 Islamic Militants in Monaco 12 October 15, 2010 Cy Grab Bruce Schneier on Cyberwar Power Grab October 15, 2010 MC Plot 11 Islamic Militants in Monaco 11 October 14, 2010 MC Plot 10 Islamic Militants in Monaco 10 October 14, 2010 MC Plot 9 Islamic Militants in Monaco 9 October 14, 2010 MC Plot 8 Islamic Militants in Monaco 8 October 13, 2010 MC Plot 7 Islamic Militants in Monaco 7 October 12, 2010 MC Plot 6 Islamic Militants in Monaco 6 October 12, 2010 MC Plot 5 Islamic Militants in Monaco 5 October 12, 2010 MC Plot 4 Islamic Militants in Monaco 4 October 11, 2010 MC Plot 3 Islamic Militants in Monaco 3 October 10, 2010 DIA Logs Defense Spy Agency's FOIA logs for FYs 2007-2009 October 9, 2010 IR Strike Iran with Capability to Strike US by 2014 October 9, 2010 MC Plot 2 Islamic Militants in Monaco 2 October 9, 2010 FBI SOS FBI Student Tracking Device October 8, 2010 MC Plot 1 Islamic Militants in Monaco 1 October 8, 2010 Cork It Army Warns of Inside Spies for Enemy Media October 5, 2010 Corked Censorship at WikiLeaks event October 4, 2010 NO Leak Norway Media Leaks Latest Wikileaks AF Leak October 1, 2010

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Cryptomb 24    July-December 2008
Cryptomb 23    January-June  2008

Cryptomb 22    July-December 2007
Cryptomb 21    January-June  2007

Cryptomb 20    July-December 2006
Cryptomb 19    January-June  2006

Cryptomb 18    July-December 2005
Cryptomb 17    January-June  2005

Cryptomb 16    July-December 2004
Cryptomb 15    January-June  2004

Cryptomb 14    July-December 2003
Cryptomb 13    January-June  2003

Cryptomb 12    July-December 2002
Cryptomb 11    January-June  2002

Cryptomb 10    July-December 2001
Cryptomb 9     January-June  2001

Cryptomb 8     July-December 2000
Cryptomb 7     January-June  2000

Cryptomb 6     July-December 1999
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Cryptomb 4     July-December 1998
Cryptomb 3     January-June  1998

Cryptomb 2     July-December 1997
Cryptomb 1     June 1996-June 1997

Cryptome welcomes documents for publication that are prohibited by governments worldwide, in particular material on freedom of expression, privacy, cryptology, dual-use technologies, national security, intelligence, and secret governance -- open, secret and classified documents -- but not limited to those. Documents are removed from this site only by order served directly by a US court having jurisdiction. No court order has ever been served; any order served will be published here -- or elsewhere if gagged by order. Bluffs will be published if comical but otherwise ignored.

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Mail: John Young, Cryptome, 251 West 89th Street, New York, NY 10024
Checks/Money Orders: Make out to "John Young"
Telephone for messages: 212-873-8700

Cryptome Essays, Deborah Natsios

New Cryptome Publication:

New York VOIR DIRE: Interrogating the Juridical City State of Exception
Deborah Natsios / Cryptome, 27 October 2010

../cryptome/cartome/Natsios-Voir-Dire.pdf (3.4MB)

Initial version presented 17 April 2010, during panel: "Sovereign spaces: security after the war on terror"
2010 Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers (AAG)

Les Oiseaux Beyond Empire: Schoolgirl Quarantines from Dalat to the rue de Sevres
Not online

Watchlisting the Diaspora
Presented 3 October 2008: Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB)
Targeted Publics: Arts and Technologies of the Security City

Expanded and to be published as:

Common Lines of Flight Towards the Open City: Architectural Theory, Security and the Global City
The SAGE Handbook of Architectural Theory, publication May 2011

The Geographer in Jules Romains' 'Donogoo Tonka or the Miracles of Science: A Cinematographic Tale'
Commentary and digital film presented at Forum Finale, Temple Hoyn Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Columbia University, 5 April 2008.


Towards a New Blast Zone
in Architectures of Fear: Terrorism and the Future of Urbanism in the West, Urbanitats, No. 19, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB), Barcelona 2008.

Paper presented 18 May 2007, at the symposium “Architectures of Fear: Terrorism and the Future of Urbanism in the West”, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB), Barcelona.


National Security Sprawl
In Sensing the 21st Century City: Close-Up and Remote
AD Architectural Design
Vol. 75 No. 6 Nov/Dec 2005
Brian McGrath and Grahame Shane (eds.)
Wiley-Academy (London)


Jerusalem Sky
In The Next Jerusalem : Sharing the Divided City, Ed. Michael Sorkin
2002 Monacelli Press, New York, NY


Parallel Atlas: 38°N
Version 10, May 2002


Reversing the Panopticon
Invited Talk, 16 August 2001
10th USENIX Security Symposium, Washington, DC.


Homeland Defense and the Prosecution of Jim Bell
8 June 2001
